chemical biology
The main objective of the interdisciplinary Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology is to establish and support research and training programs that transcend traditional disciplines. The research program is based on successful collaborations within and between the fields of Synthetic Chemistry, Cellular Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biomedicine, and Computational Life Science.

What exactly are PhD students offered?

  • Each PhD student has not just one supervisor, but a committee of three professors from at least two fields. Each PhD student is offered courses that his/her background has thus far failed to give him/her - biology for the chemical scientists, chemistry for the biologists. We also offer courses in rhetoric and presenting as well as courses leading to management qualifications.

Universität Konstanz in zwei Minuten:University of Konstanz in two minutes

Application Procedure

  • call is open from 5 December '14 till 15 January '15!


  • To qualify for admission, you should hold a master's degree (or equivalent) in Biology, Chemistry, Life Science, or related subjects. You should have finished your studies significantly above average, and have a proven interest in chemical biology.
  • Students who have already started PhD work at the University of Konstanz can also apply within the first year of their studies.

How to Apply

  • Four steps to your application: REGISTER>LOG IN>UPLOAD>SUBMIT
1) REGISTER with online application platform. Once you registered you will receive a confirmation email to install your personal account.
2) LOG IN to work on your application, please fill in your contact data and provide the following:
  • A maximum of three PhD projects you are interested in, chosen from the list of projects and ranked by your preference
  • A motivation letter (max. 500 words)
  • Contact details for two academic references (please note that we will contact them during the application process ourself)
  • State where the call came first to your attention.
3) UPLOAD the following documents (in English or German):
  • Curriculum vitae (only accepted in chronological order)
  • Copy of your bachelor's and master's degree certificates (or equivalent) incl. transcripts of records
  • Proven proficiency in English (We accept tests, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, as well as tests from language schools or universities or equivalent)
4) SUBMIT your application until 15 January 2015 at the latest!

Application Projects:

Kay Diederichs - Molecular Bioinformatics

  • Analysis of Crystallographic Data: Methods and Applications
The goal of a crystallographic experiment is to obtain accurate intensities to the highest possible resolution. Until now, a distinction and quantification of random and systematic errors in intensities was not possible with the traditional crystallographic quality indicators. The application of novel indicators for quality assessment of X-ray data (see Karplus and Diederichs, Science 2012) will be extended to allow identification of non-isomorphous outlier data from both XFEL and synchrotron sources. This will enable the development of algorithms and programs for the meaningful merging of isomorphous data to higher resolution than hitherto possible.
The successful applicant will mainly work with X-ray data from protein crystals obtained in collaborations within Konstanz, and will also interact with groups at the Swiss Light Source and the SwissFEL. The candidate should have broad interest in Chemical Biology and Bioinformatics as well as a background in X-ray crystallography.

Thomas Böttcher - Biological Chemistry

  • Bacterial Crosstalk – Biochemical Responses to Foreign Bacterial Signals
This project aims to investigate how communication signals of one bacterial strain may induce the production of small molecule metabolites and proteomic changes in another competitive strain. We will use a broad spectrum of methods ranging from organic synthesis to proteomics to identify potentially new natural products by NMR and mass spectrometry and elucidate the corresponding changes in protein expression.

Thomas Brunner - Biochemical Pharmacology

  • Synergy between Thiazolides and Glutathione-S-Tranferases in Cell Death Induction in Colorectal Tumor Cells
This project will investigate the mechanisms of thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal tumor cells. Thiazolides are a novel class of chemical substances that promote apoptosis in colorectal tumor cells. Having identified the glutathione-S-tranferase P1 (GSTP1) as a critical enzyme for thiazolide-induced cell death, we will aim at identifying the biologically active thiazolide metabolite using mass spectrometry and computational modeling. Once identified we will synthesize this metabolite using organic chemistry and confirm its apoptosis-inducing activity in cells. We will further address whether the thiazolidemetabolizing activity is restricted to GSTP1 or extends to other classes of GSTs, such as GST α and μ. As the processes of thiazolide-induced apoptosis in colorectal tumor cells is cell cycle-dependent, we will assess which step of thiazolide metabolism and downstream apoptosis signaling is regulated by the cell cycle and aim at identifying the underlying mechanism. This project will characterize the apoptosis signaling pathways of thiazolides in colorectal tumor cells and contribute to the development of novel anti-tumor therapies.

Elke Deuerling - Molecular Microbiology & Malte Drescher - Biophysics

  • Functional Versatility of Chaperones Driven by Conformational Changes
Molecular chaperones are evolutionarily conserved elements of the proteome and involved in a plethora of processes that control protein biogenesis, folding, transport, assembly or turnover. The ribosome-associated complex (RAC) is a conserved chaperone system in eukaryotes. Recently it has been suggested that driven by a conformational change in RAC, the complex is released from ribosomes and transported into the nucleus to act there as a transcriptional co-activator. In this study, we will combine EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) spectroscopy and in vivo analysis to characterize conformational und functional changes of RAC in yeast and C.elegans.

Dietmar Funck - Plant Biology and Biochemistry & Jörg Hartig - Chemical and Synthetic Biology of Nucleic Acids

  • Riboswitches as Tools to Study Gene Function in Plants
Molecular tools to regulate gene expression under experimental conditions are ideally suited to determine in vivo gene functions in plants and to engineer plants for synthetic biology approaches. We use the functional analysis of LHC-like proteins in Arabidopsis to establish both „on“ and „off“ switches for gene expression in plants on the basis of ligand-dependent riboswitches that are developed by the group of Jörg Hartig in the chemistry department of the University of Konstanz.

Jörg Hartig - Chemical and Synthetic Biology of Nucleic Acids

  • Functional Characterization and Targeting of Highly Structured Repeat Sequences in Bacterial Genomes
We are recruiting a highly motivated co-worker responsible for investigating the influence of non-canonical nucleic acid structures in bacterial genomes. We are especially interested in the functional properties and influences of triplex and quadruplex DNAs and RNAs on biological processes. A variety of methods ranging from biophysics and biochemistry to molecular and chemical biology approaches will be applied.

Dieter Spiteller - Chemical Ecology/Chemical Biology

  • How do Microbial Symbionts protect their Hosts?
In nature microorganisms often play a crucial role in the life of other organisms, e.g. as beneficial symbiotic partners. In this project we aim to reveal how microbial symbionts of insects protect their hosts against diseases. Microbial symbionts from different insects, such as leaf cutting ants, will be isolated and cultivated. Isolated strains will be tested for their potential to fight diseases threatening their insect hosts. The secondary metabolites will be identified using bioassayguided fractionation in combination with mass spectrometry and NMR.
The biological function of identified metabolites will be further studied in appropriate bioassays or field experiments. The production of identified compounds under natural conditions should be monitored directly using highly sensitive detection techniques in order to evaluate their ecological role. In addition, the pharmaceutical value of promising isolated compounds will be investigated.
A strong background in natural products chemistry and analytical chemistry (mass spectrometry and NMR) is crucial.

Andreas Zumbusch - Physical Chemistry

  • Optical Investigation of Membrane Remodeling by α-Synuclein
The human α-synuclein protein (ASYN) plays a central role in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. It forms fibrillar aggregates which are found in Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites in the brain. Despite the fact that the interaction of ASYN with membrane seems to be a key aspect of its biological function, little is known about how ASYN affects membrane structure. Aim of this project is to unravel the role of ASYN in membrane remodeling using optical spectroscopy. For this purpose, we will employ modern optical microscopy techniques, including single molecule fluorescence studies and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy in order to investigate the interaction between ASYN and membranes. Both artificial membranes and membranes of living cells will be studied. The project will be based on a close collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. M. Leist, who will provide ASYN point mutants and cellular sample systems which are pivotal for the experiments. The project will take advantage of other local research activities concerning ASYN. Results from different spectroscopic approaches (EPR, IR, CARS and fluorescence), shall help to obtain a detailed integral description of the remodeling of membranes by ASYN.

Admission Timelines

Starting Date: 1 April 1 October
Call for Applications December / January June / July
Deadline CfA 15 January 2015 17 July
Decision Board Meeting End of February End of August
Notification until 1 March 1 September

Apply Online


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PhD Fellowships in Information and Communication Technologies.DTIC-UPF, Barcelona (up to 20 PhD positions)The Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona seeks doctoral applications for the academic year 2015-16 from talented students with a strong interest in research.

DTIC Research Positions 2015-2016

  • These fellowships are considered as Predoctoral Research Contracts (PRC), due to the approval of the Spanish law 14/2011 on Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Applications are invited for the DTIC fellowships, which are targeted at exceptional predoctoral researchers in the DTIC's research areas. The fellowship provides a recognized first step into a research career.

Welcome to Pompeu Fabra!


UPF is ranked as the most productive university in Spain in research outcome and attraction of funds (THE2013) and13th worldwide among young universities (THE2013, 100 under 50). DTIC-UPF community (> 50 nationalities)conducts research in a broad range of fields created around the convergence of ICT with computing science, networks,biomedical and cognitive sciences. The active participation in international programs (65 projects in FP7, including 9prestigious ERC grants and the Human Brain Project)creates a unique environment for the development of talented researchers.

Which topics?

  • COGNITIVE AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: Cognition, Computation and Robotics; Artificial Intelligence and Theoretical Computer Science; Natural Language Processing; Ubiquitous Computing;Information Retrieval and Data Mining; Cognitive Multimedia Technologies
  • AUDIOVISUAL TECHNOLOGIES: Image Processing and Computer Vision; Image Processing for Enhanced Cinematography; Sound and Music Computing; Human-Computer Interaction, Graphics and Educational Technologies
  • NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Network Technologies and Strategies; Wireless Communications; Information Theory and Coding
  • COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS: Computational Neuroscience;Computational Imaging and Computational Physiology; Analysis of Biomedical Data; Non-linear signal analysis; Instrumentation and Biomedical Electronics; Simulation, Imaging and Modelling for Biomedical Systems.
  • The DTIC also supports the Center of Brain and Cognition (CBC), offering additional opportunities for PhD

Who has participated in our PhD program?

  • Graduates from the program currently pursue careers in leading academic, industrial, and clinical centresaround the world, as well as entrepreneurial careers with companies such as Reactable, BMAT or Near Future Lab. Some recent recognitions for PhD students include the Cisco Security Grand Challenge 2014, the European Young Researchers' Award 2013, the National Commendation for Invention from the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation in 2013 and the BBVA Innova Challenge 2013 International Competition on Big Data.


  • Candidates for PhD positions must hold an MsC degree or equivalent. Candidates not fulfilling this requirement may be interested in DTIC’s 1-year research master programs as a stepping stone to later join the PhD program (Sound and Music Computing, Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media, Intelligent Interactive Systems - with UPC, Brain and Cognition, Computer Vision - coordinated by UAB, Wireless Communications -with UPC, starting 2015-16).

Contact and application

Application Period 2015-2016

  • First PhD application period: November 24th, 2014 to January, 23th, 2015 
  • Second PhD application period: January, 24th, 2015 to March, 13th, 2015
  • Third PhD application period: March, 14th, 2015 to May, 15th, 2015
  • Fourth PhD application period: May 16th, 2015 to June, 26th, 2015
  • Early applications are very much encouraged. In particular, we highly recommend candidates coming from outside the EU to apply before the last Application Period

How to apply

Duration of the fellowship (PRC)

  • Four years, renewed yearly.


  • Candidates must have submitted a PhD application. Only candidates accepted to the PhD program are eligible a fellowship (PRC). Hence, every fellowship application should be paired up with an admissions application into the PhD program. Admissions to the PhD program are handled by the University Admission Office.

Types of fellowship (PRC):

  • The Department offers two types of contracts:
  1. RDI (PIPF2): Includes teaching assistance (40 hours) and research tasks. Gross month Salary 976.99€* (651.33€* + extra amount funded by the research project)
  2. Full PhD DTIC (PIPF1): Includes teaching assistance tasks (60 hours). Gross month Salary 976.99€*
Non-EU students will have a reduction of 24.75% the three first months (till December, if the contract starts in October).The corresponding taxes will be deducted from January when the new fiscal year starts.
  • * Take into consideration that this amount corresponds to the wages established for the 2014-15 academic course.

Fees covered by the fellowship (PRC)

  • Both types of fellowships/PRC (RDI and Full DTIC) include the annual tutorship fees, but not the administrative fees neither the fees for validations of degrees issued by a university outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) without homologation. Check here for further information.
  • The year salary gets an increase of 6% during the 3rd year and 20% during the 4th year.

DTIC Research fellowships 2015-2016

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About NCGI

  • The focus of this conference is to bring the pioneers and beginners in the field of genome informatics to share the latest in the field and its future avenues. The scope includes all work that is ultimately devoted to the computational understanding of biological systems on a molecular basis and the aims to present recent results of both theoretical and practical research, to show new applications, to demonstrate systems, and to indicate directions of future research.
Experts from the diverse biological backgrounds such as bioinformatics, computational biology, applied genomics, data management and annotation, next generation sequencing, transcriptomics are expected to attend this event.
  • The conference lasts for two days followed by a post conference hands on training workshop on the analysis of transcriptomic, exomic and SNP data offered to a limited no of participants on the first come first serve basis.
  • Guests lectures, Oral presentations, poster presentations, quiz competition are few of the events that will be part of this conference. The conference brings together the leading scientists in this growing field, and we strongly encourage researchers from other large scale information handling disciplines to attend


  • Last date for abstract Submission: 05-01-2015
  • Last date for registration:10-01-2015
  • Intimation of Selected Papers: 10-01-2015

Read More/Registration


Programme description

The "la Caixa" through this scholarship program for international doctoral Severo Ochoa, finance centers accredited with this award for PhD scholarships convene four years. 
Since 2008 “la Caixa” Foundation has been supporting International PhD Programmes from selected Spanish biomedical institutes, such as the CRG, to promote excellent science in Spain.
“la Caixa” Foundation is currently providing support to the CRG and other Spanish Centers of Excellence recognised with the Severo Ochoa Award by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
The CRG is recruiting within the CRG International PhD Fellowship Programme “la Caixa”-Severo Ochoa, highly talented and motivated students with outstanding qualifications to carry out a PhD in biomedicine at the CRG.

The Complexity of Life – CRG

The aid is aimed at students of any nationality.Successful candidates will join research groups with top-level scientists and will carry out their research in one of the following programmes:

The beneficiary institutions of the initiative are:

Eligibility criteria

Candidates must fulfil the following requirements at the time of the deadline:

  • Candidates must have obtained a University Degree in Life Sciences or related subjects,within the European Higher Education System (minimum 240 ECTS), or a University Degree that allows to start a PhD thesis in the candidate’s home country by September 2015. Candidates who expect to be awarded with such degree by September 2015 are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates must have an excellent academic record, previous research experience and a strong commitment for scientific research.
  • Candidates must have a high working knowledge of English CRG International PhD Fellowship Programme “la Caixa- Severo Ochoa” 2015
  • Candidates applying for the positions funded by “la Caixa” and the MINECO Severo Ochoa Pre-doctoral Call may not have worked at the CRG for more than 3 months before the call deadline.
  • Candidates applying for the positions funded by “la Caixa” may not have obtained previously a “la Caixa” postgraduate fellowship.
  • The call is open to candidates of any nationality.

Call Calendar

Call opening December 1,  2014
Call deadline January 30,  2015
Pre-selection of candidates February 2-6 , 2015
Oral interviews March  2-6 , 2015
Notification to candidates March 16-20, 2015
Start date of fellowships September/October 2015


  • The current call offers 3 positions funded by “la Caixa” and 6 positions with funds provided by the MINECO Severo Ochoa Pre-doctoral Call. At least 3 additional positions will be offered with funds provided by the CRG.
  • Fellows will be supported for a period of 4 years
  • Applicants who have not been successful but that have received a positive evaluation will be included on a waiting list to cover future positions

Training and benefits

CRG/"la Caixa" fellows will benefit from the CRG Research and Training Programme, which includes:

  • International scientific environment. CRG is located in Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), a cluster for biomedical research in southern Europe, which includes several other biomedical research institutions and more than 1000 researchers
  • Advanced research training (training-through research, specific scientific and technology courses and a variety of CRG seminars and CRG/PRBB conferences with international invited speakers)
  • Career development activities (Courses@CRG, INTERVALS Programme offered to PRBB residents)
  • Cutting- edge advanced core facilities
  • Other initiatives and activities organised by the PRBB and CRG
  • Student community activities (Annual Retreat & Annual Symposium)
  • Internationally competitive salary

How to apply

  • Applications must be submitted online at
  • Candidates must register in order to use the online application system.
  • The online application form requests all of the necessary information for the initial stages of the selection process (General information, Education, Coursework, Honours, scholarships, prizes and awards, research experience, scientific interests and reference letters.)
  • Applicants should indicate up to two research programmes in which they would like to work, in order of preference. Moreover, if candidates have interest in a particular research group, they should indicate it in the motivation letter. More information on the research activities of each group can be found in the Research Programmes section of this web page.
  • Two reference letters will be automatically requested to the referees proposed by the candidate through the online system.
  • Candidates must ensure that all information is included before the deadline, including the reference letters. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
  • Once the application is submitted, an acknowledgement of receipt will be automatically sent by e-mail to the applicant.
  • Applicants who would like to receive the information of the call in an alternative format (e.g. large print, Braille, audio or hard copy), or who are unable to apply online should contact us by telephone on + 34 93 316 01 00.
  • For any additional information, please contact Imma Falero at [email protected]

Selection process

The selection of the fellows will be based on the candidates' academic qualifications and research excellence.

  • Pre-selection: The pre-selection will be based on the candidate's CV, reference letters and on the research interests. Complete applications will be reviewed within a month after the deadline.
  • Oral interviews: Short-listed candidates will receive invitations to visit the CRG for a 5-day period of interviews that will take place 6-9 weeks after the application deadline.
  • Fellowship offers: Offers will be made to the successful candidates shortly after the interview period. Selected students will have two weeks to accept the position and should start their fellowships no later than October 1st 2015.
  • More details are included in the Call Text.

Participating Research Groups

For this call, the CRG group leaders who have expressed interest in recruiting a student are:


For any additional information, please contact: CRG International PhD Programme         
Imma Falero
Academic Officer
Centre de Regulació Genòmica
Dr. Aiguader, 88
PRBB Building
08003 Barcelona
[email protected]

Apply online


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We are looking for excellent, highly motivated students with a background in (bio)chemistry, molecular biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, biotechnology. Apply for one of the 15 PhD positions in our network until February 7th and start your PhD at one of the network partners across Europe in summer 2015

Two recruitment days in Amsterdam in March 2015

  • From the applications, 25 candidates will be selected for an interview and will be invited to our recruitments days in Amsterdam (11./12.3.2015). During these two days, we will identify 15 students, which we will offer a position as a PhD student in the network. During these days, which we will spend in a unique venue (Het West-Indisch Huis), both candidates and the group leaders from the network have the opportunity to show what they have to offer.
  • On the first day, all candidates will give a short presentation on their Master Thesis work, followed by a discussion. In the evening, we will enjoy together a dinner in the heart of Amsterdam, during which candidates and group leaders  can get to know each other in a more informal setting. The second day will be spend with 1on1 interviews where the group leaders can have extensive conversations with the candidate of choice and, of course, to further discuss the details of future participation to our project.
  • Your hotel and travel expenses will be paid by us.

400th anniversary of the University of Groningen

PhD Projects

Within this network, the following PhD projects are available:

  • Projects with a focus on RNA, aptamers, riboswitches Using latest insights and technology from the RNA field, we will develop molecular RNA-based sensors for metabolite. We will exploit computational design, robotics-assisted SELEX, MS-based biophysical aptamer characterization.
  • Projects with a focus on metabolism We will exploit the developed molecular sensors to push metabolic research to the single cell level. Fundamental and cancer-relevant questions will be addressed also with approaches from systems biology.
  • Projects with a biotechnological focus We will harbor the potential of RNA-based sensor for biotechnological application. In collaboration with industry partners, we will open up new avenues for the development and improvement of cell factories.

How to apply

Next to it being an exciting opportunity to join this European Program, it can also be the first step for you to build a solid network. We will provide you with many training opportunities at your choice of University and financial aid will be provided by the project.


  • If you are as enthusiastic about the network and its offered research projects, please apply following the instructions provided below. For more questions about the project or your application please contact us.


Your application must be submitted by February 7th, 2015 to [email protected]
Please, submit the following documents in one PDF document:
  • A cover letter, stating your motivation to join the network, and mentioning the first two choices of projects you would prefer to apply for
  • Your CV
  • A one- to two page synopsis of yourself, your scientific interests, and of your current research work
  • Two letters of recommendation from former advisors/professors
  • After 16th February 2015 we will select 25 candidates who we will invite to attend the recruitment days in March 2015 in Amsterdam (see below).

Good to know before you apply

  • To qualify for a position as a PhD student in the ITN, you need to be within the first four years (full – time equivalent research experience) of your research career and have not yet been awarded a doctoral degree. Further, at the time of recruitment, you must not have lived or worked for more than 12 months in the country of your future host organisation in the 3 years immediately prior to the start of the PhD project (short stays such as vacation are not taken into account).


As a PhD student in an ITN (innovative training network) network, you will have – as any other “normal” PhD student – a host lab, where you will be doing your research. ITNs are financially supported by the European Commission because they provide excellent research, training and career aspects (which is something that is sometimes not guaranteed when doing a “normal” PhD). Thus, there a number of benefits being a PhD student in an ITN.

Doing a PhD within an ITN project has numerous benefits:

  • You will get the chance to participate in specially developed courses (for instance; on specific techniques, on development of soft skills, etc.)
  • You can  already at a very early stage start building your personal professional network due to the embedding of our PhD projects in an academic/industrial network
  • You will be exposed to industry and the challenges in industry already during the PhD, because we also have partners from industry in our network (who also contribute to the training)
  • You will also get the opportunity to spend some time in the labs of other partners (thereby you will get familiar with other disciplines, techniques, cultures, etc.), as the research projects are designed such that they will mostly have interdisciplinary components
  • You will be advised by excellent group leaders – they are all excellent in their research and trainings
  • You will get a competitive salary; additionally you will get per months an additional mobility allowance of 600€ (and an additional family allowance of 500€ when you are married)


Network coordinator:
University of Groningen
Molecular Systems Biology
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
For applications and inquires about the application  procedures: [email protected]
Renate van der Tuuk, (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

For general inquires about the project:
Prof. Matthias Heinemann, University of Groningen, The Netherlands,

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Asstt. Professor  @ GAUHATI UNIVERSITY

Applications are invited from the Indian citizens for teaching posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual) under various departments of Gauhati University. Details of the advertisement, other terms and conditions and the application forms are available in the University website Last date of receipt of filled-in application is 08.01.2015.
Asstt. Professor (Contractual) No.
Specialization Minimum

M.Sc. Microbiology Course in

1.M.Sc. Microbiology/M.Sc. Botany (Specialization in Microbiology)/M.Sc.
Biochemistry (1 post). (Preference will be given to candidates having
experience in Biochemistry).
2.M.Sc. Micobiology/M.Sc. Botany (Specilization in Microbiology)/M.Sc.
Biotechnology(1 post). (Preference will be given to candidates having
experience in Bioinformatics
3.M.Sc. Microbiology/M.Sc. Botany (Specialization in Microbiology)/M.Sc.
Biotechnology(1 post). (Preference will be given to candidates having
experience in Microbial Genetics).

As per UGC norms
  • Pay Band & Academic Grade Pay :(Consolidated pay) : Rs. 21,600/- per month
  • Application Form : Prescribe application form may downlowed from the G.U. website
  • Application Fees & Last date : Candidates will be required to pay an amount of Rs. 1000/-(in case of SC, ST Rs. 500/-) Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, Gauhati University Payable at SBI Branch, G.U. as an application fees for the post. Completed application in prescribe form along with necessary enclosures must reach. “The Registrar, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014”, latest by 08.01.2015.

JRF/SRF @ Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for one position of Junior research fellow or Senior research fellow in a CSIR funded research project entitled " Denovo transcriptiome sequencing, microarray development and elucidation of pythium responsive defence pathways in zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith” in the Laboratory of Dr. George Thomas at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • NUMBER OF POSITIONS:Only one. One suitable candidate will be selected from the pool of SRF and JRF.


  • Junior Research Fellow
    1) Masters degree in Botany/Agricultural Science/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics with 55% marks 2) Qualified Net (JRF-NET or Lectureship NET)/GATE
  • Senior Research Fellow
    1) Masters degree in Botany/Agricultural Science/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics with 55% marks 2) Minimum two years of documented research experience after MSC as evidenced by publications in standard peer reviewed referred journals.
  • AGE :Below 35 years as on 31st December, 2014
  • EMOLUMENTS:Junior Research Fellow: Rs 12000 + 20% HRA
  • EMOLUMENTS:Senior Research Fellow: Rs 14000+ 20% HRA


Three years or till termination of the project –(whichever is earlier)
Only those fulfilling the above criteria need apply and will be called for interview. In the event of more than 10 candidates being short-listed by screening the applications under the JRF category, a written test will be conducted and successful candidates will be called for interview on the same day along with the short listed SRF candidates. No TA/ DA will be given for appearing in the interview.
  • Suitably qualified candidates may send applications in the prescribed format (Download here) with a photograph, a copy of full resume indicating the percentage of Marks obtained and attested photocopies of credentials & experience to reach the undersigned on or before 10th January, 2015.
  • Envelopes must be superscripted with abbreviated title of the project, advertisement number and job title. Selection to the position will not entitle the candidate to any future positions at RGCB (permanent or otherwise). As with all project positions at RGCB, the position will be co terminus with end of the project.

Programmer @ ICMR

We are currently looking for experienced PHP Developers and Web Designers for developing web portals using CMS, web enabled databases and scripting application

Required Skills:

AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery and/or JQuery Mobile
Any MVC, CodeIgnitor and/or Zend
HTML5 and CSS3
Open source: Joomla, Wordpress
  • Salary: 26,790/-
  • Qualifications:First class B.Tech/B.E. - Computers, Electronics/Telecommunication, Bioinformatics,Biotechnology OR MCA - Computers with M.Sc. in Computers, Bioinformatics, InformationTechnology

Candidate should:

  • Have good Command on PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache, JavaScript, XML, HTML.
  • Have excellent in Core PHP concepts.
  • Have experience in any of the CMS like WordPress, Magento and OpenCart
  • Have experience in Cake PHP, Codeigniter Framework (optional).
  • be capable of handling core PHP Projects.
  • be quick to understand project requirements and eager to learn new technologies.
  • be good in working as a team.
  • Apply with CV to [email protected] with the subject line 'Application for Programmer'.Selected applicants will be intimated the date and time of interview.
  • Last Date for application: December 31, 2014

Bioinformatics Scientist @ Indian Council of Agricultural Research

PROFESSORS @ Vignan University

Vignan University is defined by highly committed and quality conscious visionaries who are dedicated to making a positive and profound impact on the way education is imparted in the country. The goal of the University is to develop students into integrated personalities with a blend of Academic & Extra Curricular programmes. Rigorous university courses, participation in research projects, working in scientific laboratories engaged in emerging research areas, opportunities to engage in study of Humanities and Management courses and reflective Philosophical discourses, together with a gamut of other activities are all a part of the student experience at the institute. Every effort is made to see that the students are introduced into an environment in which they can broaden knowledge, develop imagination, explore their ideas and feelings through continuous peer or faculty interaction, to not only enhance their career goals but also give back something to the society, which has nurtured them.
  • Applications with full particulars are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of PROFESSORS/ASSOCIATE PROFESSORSAssistant Professors with Ph.D in Engineering / Technology in the following disciplines. Applications addressed to the Registrar to reach within 10 days by email or post. mail id [email protected]
  • Requirements:minimum of two Scopus / SCI Indexed publications desirable.
  • Remuneration :UGC VI Pay Scales and other attractive packages offered for deserving candidates.

Walk in interview for Research Associate, Studentship and Traineeship

Applications are invited for the Post of Research Associate, Traineeship and Studentship in the DBT sponsored Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) at the Bioinformatics Centre, Department of RDAP, North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus, Tura-794002, Meghalaya. The Posts are purely temporary and terminable at any time without prior notice or assigning any reason thereof. The person engaged, shall not be entitled for any claim implicit or explicit for permanent absorption in the University.

Research Associate- 01

  • Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Bioinformatics/Biotechnology from a recognized University/ institute.
  • Desirable: PhD or Pursuing PhD in the relevant subject(s) or equivalent published work in reputed peerreviewed journals or Advance PG diploma in Bioinformatics courses.
  • Duties:Creation of database, webdesigning, maintenance of internet, training of students in Bioinformatics,handling and knowledge of Bioinformatics software tools and technique, conducting Bioinformatics based research and other day to day laboratory work, writing report and scientific papers.
  • Pay:Rs. 22,000/- + Admissible 10% HRA per month
  • Age: Below 35 years

Traineeship- 02

  • Students who have completed Masters Degree in Bioinformatics/Biotechnologyor any branch of Life Sciences/Agricultural Sciences/Computer Science to carry out a project work in Bioinformatics.
  • Desirable: Prior Knowledge of programming languages such as C, JAVA, MySQL is preferable.
  • Stipend: Rs. 8000/- p.m. fixed. Purely temporary for a period of six months.

Studentship: 02

  • Students pursuing postgraduate degree in Bioinformatics/biotechnology/Agricultural Sciences or any branch of Life Science
  • Desirable: Prior knowledge of bioinformatics/ programming language is preferable.
  • Stipend: 8000/- p.m. fixed. Purely temporary for a period of six months.
  • Candidates must send the detailed Biodata via mail/post and bring all the relevant documents in original and one set of attested photocopies of the same at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview and candidates have to make their own arrangements.
  • Last date for receiving application by mail or by post: 16.02.2015

Contact Information:

Dr.B.K. Mishra Coordinator BIF,
RDAP Department, NEHU, Tura Campus
Phone: 91-03651-223107
Fax: 91-03651-223953
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

JRF @ Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

  • Applications on plain paper are invited for the temporary post of One Junior Research Fellow (JRF), for a period of six months (extendable for next term) under the DBT, Govt. of India funded research project as per details mentioned below.

The CNAG has a park of twelve second generation DNA sequencers supported by an extensive informatics infrastructure, and is one of the major Genome Sequencing Centers in Europe. The CNAG is actively involved in collaborative research projects on a number of specific topics: Disease Gene Identification, Cancer Genomics, Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Model Organism Genomics and Synthetic Biology.
  • To manage the projects and the sequencing production and analysis, the CNAG has built a modular and highly specialized Laboratory Information Management System. The LIMS is seamlessly integrated in the production workflows and is a core component of the institute.

CNAG - Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica

  • We are looking for a developer to participate in the development of research and production databases such as the LIMS. He/She will participate in designing and building the database back-end and front-end of the LIMS and other databases using a mix of languages and tools to process and display the data. The developer will work closely with the LIMS lead developer and other software engineers at CNAG and will interact with the laboratory and the data analysis.
  • The successful candidate will be requested to jointly apply with the CNAG for an “Ayuda para contratos de Personal Técnico de Apoyo (PTA) 2014” from the MINECO.


  1. Participate in the full-stack design and implementation of databases.
  2. Integration of tools and scripts.
  3. Interaction with the laboratory and data analysts.


  1. Bachelor degree or higher in Software Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science or similar.
  2. A minimum work experience of 1 year in database development on Unix operating systems.
  3. Experience with SQL approaches to database design and implementation.
  4. Knowledge of HTML and CSS.
  5. Experience on Python or another similar scripting language and Django or another web framework would be beneficial.
  6. Knowledge of Bioinformatics / High Throughput Sequencing and or human genetics will be beneficial.
  7. Good spoken and written English.

Application procedure

Interested candidates may submit a CV and a brief statement of experience and interests before January 12th 2015 to both email addresses below, indicating the offer reference (LIMS Database Developer) in the message subject:

Read More

  • Bioinformatics - Master's Programme
  • Penn and UGA Awarded $23.4 Million Contract for Pathogen Genomics Database
  • Spain to become a full member of ELIXIR
  • Bioinformaticians shed light into the data jungle
  • Measuring the success of an online bioinformatics resource
  • Why doesn't Santa age?
  • Ebola outbreak:
  • NHS DNA scheme to fight cancer and genetic diseases
  • P&G signs bioinformatics deal to speed new product research
  • Google's secretive Calico looking to hire bioinformatics pro
  • 2014 in Review: A Year of Great Science
  • Roche Buys Bioinformatics Firm
  • Global Synthetic Biology Market - Forecast to 2018
  • UTSA receives NIH grant to develop bioinformatics tools
  • Make Your Program Slower With Threads
  • Bioinformatics firm Eagle adds to senior team
  • Funding boost for clinical genomics company Congenica
  • PhosFox: a bioinformatics tool
  • UCLA will Integrate Big Data to Solve Biomedical Problems
  • repDNA: a Python package
  • ECOD: An Evolutionary Classification of Protein Domains
  • How to code in schools: a teacher and student's guide
  • Machine Intelligence Cracks Genetic Controls
  • Computer Neural Network as Good as Primate Brain in Identifying Objects
  • The host metabolite D-serine contributes to bacterial niche specificity

Bioinformatics - Master's Programme

  • The bioinformatics masters programme will provide you with a broad specialist competence in bioinformatics. You will also develop your own individual ability to solve problems related to biology, to plan and carry out analyses on molecular biology and biomedical data, and to collect, process and critically judge results from such data.
What will you study?The curriculum contains courses focusing on analysis of large-scale molecular biological and biomedical data, bioinformatics algorithms as well as research and development in bioinformatics. There is a computer science part of the programme, where you will concentrate on courses in Perl programming as well as the statistical language R, which are both highly used in bioinformatics. You will also carry out a master's degree project in the field of bioinformatics.
  • During your studies, lectures will be mixed with computer laboratory work. You will learn how to use various computerized tools for compiling and analyzing data from research projects and biological experiments, and to use various methods for analysis, for example sequence analysis and gene expression analysis.


  • Global consumer products giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) has turned to Cambridge bioinformatics technology to accelerate certain areas of research.
  • P&G’s Global Biotechnology and Life Sciences Department will use Eagle’s bioinformatics software platform, eaglecore, to help accelerate research of new products, organise existing data and integrate legacy data with more recent data for analysis across the company.
“By using our platform, P&G will able to better reference, manage and use all of their data to develop new insights and products, saving both time and development costs.”
  • He said eaglecore improves bioinformatics research to help accelerate the development of new products, including pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, food and beverages, livestock and crop development, and biofuels. eaglecore allows its users to integrate, tag and reference all of their research data in a single place allowing researchers to better use their data with new insights, and new developments.

Penn and UGA Awarded $23.4 Million Contract 

  • At the turn of the millennium, the cost to sequence a single human genome exceeded $50 million, and the process took a decade to complete. Microbes have genomes, too, and the first reference genome for a malaria parasite was completed in 2002 at a cost of roughly $15 million. But today researchers can sequence a genome in a single afternoon for just a few thousand dollars. Related technologies make it possible to capture information about all genes in the genome, in all tissues, from multiple individuals.
“This database has expedited research in many ways,” UGA’s Kissinger said. “Vaccine scientists frequently want to examine how proteins have changed over time, to identify those with signatures indicating that they provoke the human immune system. Those studying a specific antigen may wish to examine its structure and diversity, in order to prioritize those regions that might be most promising and relatively unlikely to develop resistance.”
  • Using EuPathDB and other resources, researchers around the world can now conduct cutting-edge research “in silico,”on the computer, maximizing the chance of success when translated to the lab or clinic.

Spain to become a full member of ELIXIR

  • Spain will become a full member of ELIXIR, the European bioinformatics infrastructure created to optimise biological data obtained from life sciences research. Spain participates in ELIXIR through the National Bioinformatics Institute(INB), a platform of the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), whose central node is hosted at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO). Six INB institutions are participating in ELIXIR: the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG).
Spain provides ELIXIR with key services in the areas of biocomputing and bioinformatics, including the assessment of bioinformatics methods, genomic and biomedical data analysis, and data mining. Furthermore, the Spanish team ELIXIR co-leads the development of the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) database, the main repository for genomic data of biomedical interest, which is an essential component of the bioinformatics infrastructure for data analysis on rare diseases
  • ELIXIR was officially launched in December 2013. So far, its full members are the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and 11 countries: the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Bioinformaticians shed light into the data jungle

  • The University of Tübingen could be said to have played a pioneering role in the field of bioinformatics. The first ever bioinformatics course in Germany was established at the University of Tübingen way back in 1998. According to Prof. Dr. Oliver Kohlbacher, Tübingen now offers a service structure that is still quite unique in Germany. “In Germany, I would say the centre is the only one of its kind and I only know of a few similar centres in the EU,” Kohlbacher says. Tübingen University realised very early on that the university’s skills needed to be pooled in a central bioinformatics unit in order to achieve the objective of getting everyone pulling together in the same direction and as effectively as possible. As the units are closely integrated, Kohlbacher is one of three ZBIT directors as well as being QBiC director and coordinator of the CiBi.
But first things first: the Tübingen Centre for Bioinformatics (ZBIT) is effectively an old lady, at least in terms of bioinformatics. It was established back in 2000 and is the central bioinformatics research and teaching unit at the University of Tübingen. Its service portfolio has grown enormously over the years. “High-throughput technologies meant that we had to expand our services considerably, as our life sciences colleagues were finding it increasingly difficult without outside assistance to cope with the large amount of accumulated data,” says Kohlbacher. Three years ago, Tübingen won a tender to provide core facilities. The goal was to make bioinformatics services available.
  • The most recent addition to the Tübingen bioinformatics infrastructure is the Center for Integrative Bioinformatics (CiBi), which is jointly run by the QBiC and the ZBIT. The CiBi is one of six bioinformatics centres in Germany that together make up the “de.NBI”, the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure, a BMBF infrastructure initiative aimed at expanding and improving the availability of hardware, data resources and bioinformatics tools in the life sciences, and securing them in the long term.

Measuring the success of an online bioinformatics resource

  • Like many other journals, PLOS Computational Biology aims to publish research that helps to further the field and develop the community that the journal serves. From time to time, however, we publish a paper that makes a significant impact not as research but as a resource. One such article is a Perspective entitled An Online Bioinformatics Curriculum by David Searls, one of our Associate Editors, who presents a bioinformatics curriculum in the form of a virtual ‘course list’, together with editorial commentary, and an assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and likely future directions for open online learning in bioinformatics.

Why doesn't Santa age?

  • Every living thing has a genome - information in the form of DNA that orchestrates all of the processes that take place inside each cell. This information is contained in a sequence of chemicals - the DNA letters A, C, G, T - around three billion of them in the case of humans. If we can find out the sequence of letters in a genome, it gives us clues about every aspect of how the organism works and came to be the way it is.

Ebola outbreak:

  • Throughout this week researchers have gathered in Melbourne to share what they know about the field of bioinformatics."Bioinformatics brings together mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists and biologists to address some of the big problems in the life sciences," Dr Jonathan Keith from Monash University said.Dr Keith, a statistician, said if you considered the eradication of Ebola to be a battle, bioinformatics provided the back up for the foot soldiers on the ground.
"What bioinformatics provides is a better understanding of what the parts are, and how they work together and that's a really crucial thing for laboratory researchers to know what should be targeted."
  • "Principally it's the biologists who are at the front line who have to understand the biology and generate the physical quantities [of the vaccination]," he said.
  • "But the bioinformaticians will be searching through very large databases, trying to find significant patterns, trying to understand what works with what within the genome.

NHS DNA scheme to fight cancer and genetic diseases

  • A new genetics project could help "unlock a series of secrets about devastating diseases", the NHS says.

P&G signs bioinformatics deal to speed new product research

  • Procter & Gamble (P&G) has signed a four-year agreement to use bioinformatics software to help boost the development of new products including pharmaceuticals, consumer goods and biofuels.
  • The firm will use Eagle Genomics' secure, cloud-based, Eaglecore platform to organise existing data and integrate existing data with new analysis from across the company.

Google's secretive Calico looking to hire bioinformatics pro

  • Calico is Google's secretive anti-aging R&D biotech company that is trying to leverage IT to take on the ultimate challenge—​changing the way we age.
  • Calico is now looking for a head of bioinformatics to lead development of the infrastructure and tools necessary for the copmany to effectively acquire and process sequence data, FireceBiotech IT reports.
Computational bioinformatics is a specialized field that involves genomic sequencing, flow cytometry, metabolomics, and other highly complex areas of expertise.
If you have a PhD in bioinformatics and a world-class publication record, you may be eligible to apply for the high-level computational bioinformatics job at Google.
  • Calico is small, but growing. The company is engaged in the task of understanding the aging process and developing IT-related healthcare interventions based on that genomic knowledge.

2014 in Review: A Year of Great Science


Roche Buys Bioinformatics Firm

Roche has acquired Bina Technologies, a privately-owned biotech company based in California. The biotech’s first product was the Bina Box, a platform for secondary genomic analysis, sequence alignment, and variant calling, but since 2012, it has developed other products and platforms. Bina’s co-founder and CEO Narges Bani Asadi said in a statement that the relationship will be mutually beneficial to both firms. “We found great alignment between our company’s vision and values, and we are very excited about the possibilities of working with Roche's global team and serving the academic and translational and clinical research markets together in the future,” she said.
  • “We’re going to have the support of Roche to develop and scale our company much faster than before, and also have access to really deep experience and knowledge in Roche,” she said.

Global Synthetic Biology Market - Forecast to 2018

  • The synthetic biology market is highly competitive with a large number of players, including both big and small players, operating in this market. Synthetic biology is an emerging area of research and is broadly described as the design and construction of novel organisms or devices, artificial biological pathways, and the redesign of existing natural biological systems.

UTSA receives NIH grant to develop bioinformatics tools

  • According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers, and about one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. The National Institutes of Health recently awarded a $1.08 million grant to The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) to combine computational modeling with biological information to advance our understanding of what may cause breast cells to become cancerous.

Make Your Program Slower With Threads

  • Years ago, while taking a numerical methods course, I wrote some code to calculate the expected number of shared birthdays in a group. The code is very simple: each attempt constructs a vector of N birthdays, then counts the duplicates. The outer loop runs millions of attempts, and calculates the mean number of shared birthdays across all the samples. It's little more than a tight loop around a pseudo-random number generator.

Bioinformatics firm Eagle adds to senior team

  • Eagle has appointed Michael Reynolds as vice president of global sales as it prepares to launch a new bioinformatics software platform that will allow 'intelligent sharing' of genomic data later this year.
  • Reynolds joins the Cambridge, UK-based company from Pilgrim Software, where he was director of EMEA sales, and during a 20-year pharma and life sciences career his prior roles include stints at Smart Analyst, APC Pharma and Etrials.

Funding boost for clinical genomics company Congenica

  • Wellcome Trust spin-out bioinformatics company Congenica has secured ‘up to £1 million’ new investment from Cambridge Innovation Capital (CIC).
  • The clinical genomics company based on the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus outside Cambridge uses a platform called Sapientia for analysis and interpretation of genome sequences, based on knowledge developed  at (and licensed from) the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute as part of the ongoing Deciphering Developmental Disorders (DDD) project. This is using whole exome and genome sequencing to try and identify genetic causes of learning disability and developmental delay in children.

PhosFox: a bioinformatics tool

  • PhosFox: a bioinformatics tool for peptide-level processing of LC-MS/MS-based phosphoproteomic data
  • It is possible to identify thousands of phosphopeptides and -proteins in a single experiment with mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomics. However, a current bottleneck is the downstream data analysis which is often laborious and requires a number of manual steps.

UCLA will Integrate Big Data to Solve Biomedical Problems

  • UCLA has announced a new institute to help medical and biology researchers make sense of 'big data.'
  • Millions upon millions of medical records and test results; countless DNA sequences; hard drives stuffed with images of all kinds — pictures of cells, scans of body parts; it's all part of the deluge of information often known as "big data," an ever-growing stockpile of digital material that scientists hope will reveal insights about biology and lead to improvements in medical care.

repDNA: a Python package

  • repDNA: a Python package to generate various modes of feature vectors for DNA sequences by incorporating user-defined physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects
  • In order to develop powerful computational predictors for identifying the biological features or attributes of DNAs, one of the most challenging problems is to find a suitable approach to effectively represent the DNA sequences.

ECOD: An Evolutionary Classification of Protein Domains

  • Understanding the evolution of a protein, including both close and distant relationships, often reveals insight into its structure and function. Fast and easy access to such up-to-date information facilitates research.
  • ECOD (Evolutionary Classification of protein Domains) is distinct from other structural classifications in that it groups domains primarily by evolutionary relationships (homology), rather than topology (or “fold”).

How to code in schools: a teacher and student's guide

  • The UK is, according to Codeacademy's founder Zach Sims, well ahead of the pack when it comes to teaching the next generation to code.
"Before the term started, a lot of people were feeling under-confident, especially in primary schools," says Swidenbank. "All evidence now shows confidence is on the up." The biggest challenge remains the knowledge gaps, she asserts. But Codeacademy's own figures show the extent of the dent being made in that area. It has had 100,000 new student signups in the past three months and has partnered with more than 2,000 schools since September, bringing its total to more than 3,000.
  • The biggest change, has been a growth in confidence -- in both teachers and students. Keeping on top of the learning is the key to ensuring that confidence thrives, and Swidenbank has seen the results of that firsthand.

Machine Intelligence Cracks Genetic Controls

  • Every cell in your body reads the same genome, the DNA-encoded instruction set that builds proteins. But your cells couldn’t be more different. Neurons send electrical messages, liver cells break down chemicals, muscle cells move the body. How do cells employ the same basic set of genetic instructions to carry out their own specialized tasks? The answer lies in a complex, multilayered system that controls how proteins are made.

Computer Neural Network as Good as Primate Brain in Identifying Objects

  • For years, neuroscientists have been hard at work designing computer networks imbued with the capability to mimic visual skills that the human brain efficiently does. In a study, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finally found a computer model called "deep neural networks" that can match a primate's brain in recognizing objects.

The host metabolite D-serine contributes to bacterial niche specificity

  • Escherichia coli comprise a diverse array of both commensals and niche-specific pathotypes. The ability to cause disease results from both carriage of specific virulence factors and regulatory control of these viaenvironmental stimuli. Moreover, host metabolites further refine the response of bacteria to their environment and can dramatically affect the outcome of the host–pathogen interaction.

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