
[slide] [item url="https://recruitment.uni.lu/en/details.html?nPostingId=5623&nPostingTargetId=7496&id=QMUFK026203F3VBQB7V7VV4S8&LG=UK&mask=karriereseiten&sType=SR" src="https://wwwen.uni.lu/design/plain/images/TUIR_en.png" title="PhD @ The University of Luxembourg "]The University of Luxembourg has the following vacancy in its Systems Biology Group at the Life Sciences Research Unit, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication:[/item] [item url="https://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs/570649-two-phd-positions-in-genetics-epigenetics-bioinformatics-statistics" src="https://www.oslo-universitetssykehus.no/SiteCollectionImages/ousfoto-pensjon.jpg" title="Two PhD positions in genetics/epigenetics/bioinformatics/statistics"]Two PhD positions are available, funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The studentships will be based in the Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo. We offer an excellent research infrastructure with very well equipped facilities.[/item] [item url="Image_Link_URL" src="https://lnu.se/img/logo_en.png" title="Doctoral student in computational biochemistry"]Research in the field of Biochemistry at Linnaeus University is carried out at the Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. We are interested in a wide range of research disciplines, including molecular interactions, enzymology, immunology, virology, plant molecular biology, chemistry and biomaterials.[/item] [item url="https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/grk2157/startseite/" src="https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/images/11neu/header_links.jpg" title="13 Fully Funded Ph.D. Student Positions"]13 fully funded Ph.D. student positions of the Research Training Group "3D Tissue Models for Studying Microbial Infections by Human Pathogens" (RTG 2157)[/item] [item url="v" src="https://www.ukaachen.de/fileadmin/default/templates/img/logo-uniklinik-rwth-aachen.png" title="Bioinformatics Scientist"]Ph.D. candidate position in the area of single cell epigenomics. The project is based on the development of computational methods for analysis and integration of single cell ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq. This project will be performde in collaboration with stem cell specialists from the Medical Faculty and includes the analysis of in-house generated data.[/item] [/slide] [accordion] [item title=" PhD programs at Hannover Biomedical Research School"]To apply for the PhD programs at Hannover Biomedical Research School you first have to register. After registration you will receive an email including your activation hyperlink. By clicking on this hyperlink, you will confirm your registration and you will be able to logon to www.hbrs-application.de (link is external). Please note: if you had already applied to our HBRS in previous years, you need to create a new login/register new (new email, login, password)! The confirmation email should come at once. Recently we had difficulties with addresses like gmx.de and web.de, probably due to spam filters. Please let us know if you face problems. Follow the instructions during the application process and submit your application after you filled in all required fields. Please be aware, that you won't be able to edit your application after submission. As a part of the application you will have to choose two referees who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please ensure that the email of your referee is correct. The system will send a link and login to your referee, so that he/she will be able to directly fill in and upload the evaluation form to your application. You can submit your application even though references are not there yet. We accept the evaluations till April 11th.Read More[/item] [item title="2016 John Goldman Fellowships: Applications Invited"]We are pleased to invite applications for the 2016 John Goldman Fellowships. These prestigious awards have been created in honour of Professor John Goldman (1938 – 2013), a renowned haematologist, a pioneer in the treatment of leukaemia and founding Chairman of Leuka. The fellowship awards are aimed at those with a passion for science, a desire to develop new ideas and translate scientific advances into clinical practice.Read More[/item] [item title="Post Doctoral Research Fellow Patient Genomics Data Visualization"]A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available immediately to work on a collaborative project between the laboratory of Eric Holland and Hamid Bolouri in the Human Biology Division of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC), Seattle, WA. The postdoctoral fellow will join ongoing efforts under the auspices of the Solid Tumor Translational Research Initiative (https://www.sttrcancer.org/) to develop data analysis and visualization methods for large-scale, molecularly-detailed, patient timeline data (see https://www.fredhutch.org/en/labs/hidra.html, https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/center-news/2014/06/hidra-database-affects-cancer-treatment.html, and https://oncoscape.sttrcancer.org/)Apply Now[/item] [item title="IRB Barcelona International PhD Fellowships 2016"]3 PhD grants are offered for the academic year 2016-2017 within the “la Caixa”-Severo Ochoa International PhD Programme (herein referred to as “la Caixa”- Severo Ochoa Grants). Furthermore, 6 fellowships will be offered, these funded by the MINECO (“Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad”), through the “Contratos predoctorales Severo-Ochoa para la Formación de doctores” 2016 call.Read More[/item] [/accordion]

The Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core

[fquote]The Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core (HBC) acts as a center for bioinformatics research, services and training at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health. Integral to the Harvard Chan School, the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center and Harvard Medical School, our multi-disciplinary team works with researchers across the Harvard, MIT and Broad biomedical community, providing a comprehensive portfolio of infrastructure, data analysis, training and development. We seek an experienced computational biologist to become a key member of our team.[/fquote]

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held in Vashi

[fquote]Around 100 students from colleges in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai attended a two-day free workshop on Bioinformatics conducted by Indian Women Scientists Association in Vashi. The students gained theoretical and practical knowledge on Bioinformatics, which would help them with application of information technology and computer science into the field of biology. They were taught about sequence and molecular file formats, sequence alignment programs and 3D visualization tools. Students also participated in a practical session demonstrating designing of PCR primers for applications on Sunday.[/fquote]

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as a Bioinformatician 

[fquote]Patrick Gagné is innu. He is studying bioinformatics at Université Laval, and he is working at the Department of Natural Resources Canada. He shares his positive experience with the federal public service, in a position he obtained through the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP).[/fquote]
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[fquote] Since the birth of DNA sequencing in 1977, the technology has seen a drastic decrease in sequencing costs. Nowadays a human genome can be sequenced for as little as $1,000. Unfortunately, computers are not evolving as quickly. Lower cost, and hence greater scale of genomic sequencing, is producing enormous amounts of data, resulting in major central processing unit (CPU) and storage problems. Since manipulating such enormous data sets requires computational resources beyond the power of a standard computer, there are two ways to solve the problem.[/fquote]

MARI themes

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