- A First Course in Calculus
- Bioinfo Scope by The royal Society
- BioinforMatics
- bioinformatics and functional genomics
- Bioinformatics Biocomputing and Perl - Wiley 2004
- Biostatictics
- C for Biologists
- Cancer Bioinformatics
- CK12 Chemistry
- Computational Biology and Applied Bioinformatics
- Computational Chemestry and molecular Modeling
- Data Mining in Medical and Biological Research
- Electron Microscopy
- Fundamental of BIOSTATISTICS
- Genomics,Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
- Gre-Chemestry
- Introduction to Bioinformatics
- introduction to bioinformatics
- Learning perl the hard way
- Linux for Bioinformatics
- Molecular Modelling for Beginners
- Perl Power! - The Comprehensive Guide - Thomson 2006
- Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics
- Professional Java, JDK 5 Edition
- R programming for Bioinformatics
- Scientific Writing
- sixth Edition:-Database System Concepts
- system biology and synthethic biology
- System Biology in practice
- Basic training in chemestry