The Biological and Social Evolution of Healthcare:

Friday, May 17, 2013
I. Drugs and Vaccines
Moderator: Simon Lovestone, MB, Ph.D.
8:30 AM Opening Welcome: Larry Gold, Ph.D., MCDB, CU and 
SomaLogic “Complexity: Rube Goldberg Was Merely Linear”
9:00 AM Christopher T. Walsh, Professor, Harvard Medical School 
“Antibiotics Past, Present, and Future: At the Academic/Biotech 
9:45 AM Steven G. Reed, Ph.D., Founder, President and Chief 
Scientifi c Offi cer, Infectious Disease Research Institute (IDRI) “Novel 
Adjuvants for New Vaccines” 
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Peter S. Kim, Ph.D., Former President, Merck Research 
Laboratories “Towards an HIV Vaccine” 
11:45 AM John Swindle, Ph.D., President and CEO, CompleGen, 
Inc. “Drug Discovery: Infi nitely Complex but Don’t Overthink It” 
12:30 PM Lunch
II. Drugs and Diagnostics 
Moderator: Pippa Marrack, Ph.D.
2:00 PM Mat Todd, Ph.D., University of Sydney “Open Source Drug 
Discovery - A Limited Liability Tutorial” 
2:45 PM Lakshmi A. Devi, Ph.D., Professor, Mount Sinai School of 
Medicine “Big Science on a Small Budget: Neuropeptide Receptors 
and Drug Development” 
3:30 PM Break
4:00 PM Charles Cantor, Ph.D., Chief Scientifi c Offi cer, Sequenom, 
Inc. “Noninvasive Personal Genomics”
4:45 PM David Juncker, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department 
of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University “The Transformation of 
Society by Microchips and Scalable Technologies: From Computers 
to Healthcare“
5:30 PM Closing Remarks
Saturday, May 18, 2013
III. Drugs, Nutrition and Magic
Moderator: Steve Williams, M.D., Ph.D. 
8:30 AM Tim Harris, Ph.D., D.Sc, Senior Vice President of 
Translational Medicine, Biogen Idec “Drug Discovery and 
Development: It’s All about Human Genetics Really” 
9:15 AM Emmanuel E. Baetge, Ph.D., Vice President and 
Head of Nestle Institute of Health Sciences SA “The Scientifi c 
Challenge of Expanding the Frontiers of Nutrition” 
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM Susana Martinez-Conde, Ph.D., Director, Laboratory 
of Visual Neuroscience “Sleights of Mind”
11:15 AM Stephen Macknik, Director, Laboratory of Behavioral 
Neurophysiology “Champions of Illusions”
12:00 PM Stanley Feld, M.D., FACP, MACE, Clinical 
Endocrinologist, Founding Partner, Endocrine Associates of 
Dallas, Past President of the American Association of Clinical 
Endocrinologists and the American College of Endocrinology “We 
Know How to Fix the Healthcare System” 
12:45 PM Lunch
IV. Roses, Education and Complexity
Moderator: David Lawrence, M.D.
2:00 PM Daniel Klein, Author, “Travels With Epicurus” “Death 
and Its Prequel” 
2:45 PM Diana Chapman Walsh, President Emerita, Wellesley 
College “Educating Our Smartest Kids to Tackle the Big Problems 
in Healthcare” 
3:30 PM Break
4:00 PM Ian Billick, Ph.D., Executive Director, Rocky Mountain 
Biological Laboratory “Complex Systems, Idiosyncracy, and 
Scarce Data: Observations from the Field” 
4:45 PM Stephen Ansolabehere, Professor, Department of 
Government, Harvard University “Energy and Climate Policy and 
the Lessons for Healthcare” 
5:30 PM Closing Remarks
GoldLab Symposium Parking Lots 436/494 and Regent AutoPark
Friday and Saturday - Parking attendant (denoted by star) will be present from 
7:00am -1:00pm to collect $8.00 (cash only) per vehicle
If there is additional assistance needed, please contact Corissa Gold at 

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